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Beautiful Bey Shah/Padrons Psyche bred European style mare with a stunning face and large, soft dark eyes. Not only does she had a beautiful head she has excellent confirmation!

In foal to SkyeHawkk for 2018 MN Fallfest Auction foal.

CA and SCID Clear




Alessandra DHA
Alessandra DHA (2016)
(x Marwan Al Magnifficoo)

Lennox DHA
Lennox DHA (2015)
(x Andreos AC)

Mikhail DHA (2013)
(x Marvilloso) - Sold to Sharon Gilfillan


Lourdes RSS
Purebred Grey Arabian Mare, March 3 2003, AHR*623480
HJ Beijing Bey Shah+ bay El Bey++ Bay-Abi++
Star of Ofir *Bask++
Bint Nejran Nejran Rafgar
Negatiws Gazelle Sir Gazon
Miss Negatiw
Dubravka Pardons Psyche *Padron Patron
Kilika *Tamerlan
WA White Diamonds Perada G Arn-ett Perlane+
Lea Parada Geyma
Comar Chamnazona Gai Champion
Comar Deynazona

Contact Info

Deer Haven Arabians
Terri Gellin and Carol Derus, owners
Clintonville, Wisconsin
Terri: (715) 823-2165
Terri cell: (920) 590-1448
E-mail: DHArabians@frontiernet.net
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